never forget

if you have strong feelings about 9/11, you might want to skip this one. this is one of those days that i can’t nod along and bite my tongue.

“never forget” is an awful motto.

sure, there are countless stories of heroism and selflessness that we get to recount, and that’s what many people will say they refuse to forget.

but the legacy of 9/11, as it will go into history books, is not of first responders running up the stairs and passengers taking down a plane.

“never forget” is a commandment that we stay bitter, harbor resentment, and relive painful memories so that we stay angry and foster ill will.

“never forget” is a cynical phrase used to perpetuate our endless conflict in the middle east and our farcical war on terror.

9/11 is the beginning of my acquaintance with america as a nation that abuses its power on the global stage. someone bombed us, and in return we bombed the poorest nation on earth into oblivion. then we invaded another country on false pretenses because, hey, we were in the neighborhood.

extract whatever heartwarming memories you want from 9/11, but the terrorists got exactly what they wanted. our country has never been weaker or more unstable than it is today. 16 years of unjust war may have something to do with that.


I think I may have set a record for how long I’ve ever slept. 15 hours, 11:00 PM to 2 PM today. I woke up feeling a littel better than yesterday, and right now I’m feeling not too shabby. I’ll probably go to school tomorrow. I’m kinda tired of staying home, watching the news until someone logs online to talk to. Watching the news gets pretty boring, too. The same stuff kinda gets mulled over and over until you’re brainwashed. Today’s wasn’t so bad, watching the 9/11 comittee review people. It’s also kind of frustrating, listening to how the FBI and CIA get stuck in the beurocracy of politics when they shouldn’t be. It reminds me of how I used to bother arguing with some of my friends about Bush as a president. It really bugs me looking at these people who claim to be so open-minded, yet tell me “you’re stupid. you like President Bush” or “all republicans are stupid” As if Gore, or, *snort* Nader would have done a better job. I won’t rant about my political views here, not worth your time, or mine.

In other news…*ahem* I still have to write this research report…it’s not hard, jsut time consuming. I have 75% of it done, but the stupid works cited and in-text citations take FOREVER. You forgot what page the info was on? You have to go look it up. I’ll have it done soon, I just have to get down to work some time soon. As in, tonight. I’ve also got that German thing to do, but that I’ll reserve for doing as school. Peace.