Last One Out, Hit the Lights (…)

In a manner of 6 hours, the entire household is empty, oh so empty. I have that standard post-fun syndrome, which I get after any extended period of time which I enjoyed thoroughly. It didn’t help when shortly after they’d all left that Mom came down to inform me of a horrid letter upon my 5-week report, commonly associated wiith “failing” or “flunking”. I knew I hadn’t been doing well in Math, but she refused to let us see our grades until the reports had been sent out. It’s the first time I’ve had an F on any report (this isn’t a report card, mind you, just a 5-week report). The thing that baffles me is that it’s not that I haven’t been focused on school. It’s not that I haven’t been doing my work (I have a 100% homework average in there). It’s her. It’s her tests. So many people fail them, so very many, I don’t understand this woman. Was she never in high school? Is she just stupid? I honestly don’t know. All my other grades were left intact (excepting German, surpise, surprise).

The thing that really gets me is that now, because of her inefficient and awful methods of teaching, I have to spend extra time and effort to try and raise this grade. My personal belief on school is that no time outside of 8:00 to 2:37 should be forcefully spent in there. Everything I need to get done should get done inside that block of time, if the teachers are doing things right. The real clincher for me is this: I know if I were homeschooled right now, I’d be getting twice the education, and spending half the time working on it. It’s times like this that I remember why I chose to be homeschooled before. Oh, curse these public schools. Curse them.

That being said, I don’t look forward to Monday much.