I’m beginning to feel better…I stilll miss them all really badly…but I can enjoy doing stuff now, at least. I’ve already started to see the effects of camp on me…the positive ones, that is. 😛 I did push ups and sit ups for like 20 minutes last night, and started reading my Bible again (from now on referred to as Quiet Time…called thus because it’s like my 20 minutes to spend with God, no music, games, or phone, etc., while reading/writing). I’m starting to feel better about myself…a bit. Today I’m gonna put a pre-order on Halo 2 and Fable, then my mom is gonna order three shirts from Think Geek (1 2 and 3). I put a letter to Elizabeth in the mail…I’m still waiting for Maria to send me a reply to my email, and I spent 30 some odd minutes talking to Amanda and Patrick on the phone…(Amanda left her suitcase at camp. *snicker*)…anyways! I have pictures of all the camp people, but most of em are really bad. I’ll wait for Daniel or Emma or someone to scan some up. Tomorrow I’ll get a haircut…much needed one. I may try spiking my hair a little bit…I remember it looked good in 6th grade when Jonathan did it to my hair, and my hair hasn’t really changed much since then, so it’s worth a shot. Speaking of Jonathan….CHRISTOPHER AND JONATHAN ARE COMING!! For all those uninformed, Christopher got shipped out of Iraq a few weeks ago, and he’s in Germany. He and Jonathan will get here on the 21st. I’m looking forward to that. I also mowed one lawn today…beyond that, I haven’t done much so far. Gwen, Eileen, and Tasnah said they were gonna play frisbee, but I guess they decided not to or something.

I also have a cold. Yucky.