I’m gonna try and stop doing this whole “update in organized portions” thing, and just post. Yay. Celebrate! I’ve developed a bug, I’m coughing and sneezing to boot, and I’ve been downing the throat-stuff every 4 hours. I’m now actually feeling a bit tired and weak-ish, if I’m much worse than this I probably won’t go to church tomorrow. Hopefully I’ll be able to do some homework before I fall asleep. Oogh, a headache just set in. Icky. Anyways, I’ve got a chapter of my Biology to take notes on, and some Math…I’ll delay English for Monday night, or if I’m feeling good, Sunday night. I gotta figure out what this German project is – and fast. Supposedly it’s easy, but I dunno, I can always hope. I better log off before someone else wants to talk on IM.