
Grades for this quarter…

Math 9H: B+

Eco HBio: A+

German 2H: B


Global 1H: A

PE 9: A

Marking Period Average: 3.794

I was a bit dissapointed, I was hoping for a 4.0, but no such luck, I suppose. If I can just pull up Math, and salvage German out of hell, then I’ll be ok. But I was expecting to fail PE, so overall it was good.

Oh well.

Life’s like that, I guess. Stuff you don’t expect, you didn’t think would come so soon, it happens. You know, it’s funny how stuff you don’t even understand can make u feel what the music wants you to. Oh, this is so very complicated, I don’t know. Why, oh why…not much that I can do to express my feelings here. Screw it.