

You’re a “Yellow Angel” which means

you’re probably really motherly. You’re not

like a soccermom or anything but you’re

protective of those you care for and you’d do

anything for them. You’re usually the wiser one

in your group of friends and you’re a good

psychiatrist because you’ve been through a lot

of stuff and know the best thing to do in every

situation. But you don’t take any crud from

other people and they respect you for your

ability to stick up for yourself and others but

you don’t pick pointless fights just because

your mad. You’re very controled and can deal

with anything with a calm smile. (If you cannot

see the picture, go to my homepage and scroll

down near the bottom. I have the results from

all my quizess that have pics)

What Color Angel Are You? (PICS)

brought to you by Quizilla

You know, there’s all these quizzes I want to take but they’re all like “Girls only!”, so I’m all left out. *sniff*