
Man, what a jam-packed day…a lot has happened for just one day. Woke up, went to church, Sunday school was pretty darn boring…got home, gave my mom a hug and cleaned most of the house. (Dusted, vacuumed, sorted) and reogranized the basement. That was nifty. Brian dropped his computer by for fixing again…hopefully I can do it right this time. I really hope so. Ate some grilled chicken with bbq sauce for dinner…again…that was good. Did some poking in Brian’s computer, determined it needs a good old format. He’ll come by later tonight and drop off his CD’s, which I will then use to format the HD. I’m supposed to have that back to him tomorrow. Tomorrow also includes the Boy Scout meeting and some lawn mowing, so that’s gonna be a busy day. In top of all this, I do have a hefty load of homework…an easy set of German, but Math is killing me…Biology will take some time, too. As the final topper, I once again have approached problems.

I’m walking a fine line right now, between blaming my genetics, and just being stupid. Genetic depression/OCD, methinks, is really only a minimal issue in my life…having it still breeds self-reproach, however. It comes to mind a lot more being Mother’s day…I just wanna think and feel normal for a while. I’m gonna try and concentrate on schoolwork, get down to studying for the SAT II, try and finish this school year with a 4.0. Perhaps the work will get all this crap off my mind…I don’t know. However, my situation seems not so far from what SK was like…one would think I’d have learned my lesson the first time through. I’m quite aware that none of this really makes sense…but, I doubt it really needs to. Someone needs to invent a concentration pill. Think about whatever you wanna concentrate on when you take the pill, and poof, there you are, consumed with school for a full 24 hours. Of course, druggies would probably just say Ritilan, but I’d prefer something legal, non-addictive, and unharmful. That’d be just dandy. As I contemplate how not to be stupid, I shall finish my homework on Quadratic equations.